We provide a safe place for victims who have experienced violence - be it physical or mental abuse. We will provide the opportunity to live free from the abuse and amplify the voice of survivors.

Your voice will be heard at Maison Femme.

Maison Femme

Strategic support for individuals and children suffering from abuse.

Welcome to Maison Femme; Empowering Survivors of Domestic Violence

At Maison Femme, our mission is to empower survivors of domestic violence, providing them with the support they need to break free from abusive relationships and find safety. We are committed to shedding light on these behaviors while offering a safe haven for those in need.

Don't isolate yourself. Contact us. Talk to a trusted person about what you are going through to break the silence. Violence is never justifiable; it's intolerable.

How We Can Help?

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, reach out to Maison Femme. Our dedicated team is here to listen, support, and guide you towards a path of healing and empowerment.

Together, let's break the silence and build a community where survivors can thrive

Providing you with a safe place for you to take back your power.

All of the help we will provide you will be free of charge. You will be provided a safe place for you and your children to start reclaiming your life.

Our Services



Legal Support



Q: I think I'm experiencing domestic violence. What should I do first?

A: Your safety is the top priority. If you're in immediate danger, call emergency services (911 in the U.S.). Consider reaching out to a local domestic violence hotline, shelter or Maison Femme for guidance.

Q: How can I recognize the signs of domestic violence?

A: Domestic violence can manifest as physical, emotional, or financial abuse. Signs may include frequent injuries, controlling behavior, isolation from friends and family, and threats. Trust your instincts.

Q: Is there a hotline I can call for immediate assistance?

A: Yes, many countries have domestic violence hotlines available 24/7. In the U.S., the National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). Find a local hotline if you're outside the U.S.

Q: What should I include in a safety plan?

A: A safety plan may include identifying safe spaces, memorizing emergency contacts, and having essential items ready to go. Reach out to local domestic violence organizations for personalized assistance in creating a safety plan.

Q: Can I get a restraining order?

A: Yes, in many places, you can obtain a restraining order or protection order. Contact your local courthouse or domestic violence agency for information on the process.

Q: Are there shelters for domestic violence survivors?

A: Yes, there are shelters that provide temporary housing for survivors. Contact local domestic violence hotlines or organizations for assistance in finding a shelter.

Q: How can I protect my children if they're also affected?

A: Seek help from child protective services or a family law attorney. Domestic violence organizations can provide guidance on creating a safety plan for your children.

Q: Can I remain anonymous when seeking help?

A: Many organizations respect your privacy and can provide assistance anonymously. However, for legal processes, disclosing your identity may be necessary.

Q: What legal resources are available to me?

A: Consult with a legal professional to explore options such as restraining orders, divorce, and custody arrangements. Local legal aid organizations may offer assistance to those in need.

Q: How can I rebuild my life after leaving an abusive relationship?

A: Reach out to support groups, counseling services, and local organizations that specialize in assisting survivors. They can provide resources for housing, employment, and emotional healing.

When you’re ready,
We’re here.